At some point, most people will probably have at least one cavity. Traditionally, dentists have drilled out the decay and placed a filling to repair the tooth. With air abrasion, a new cavity removal tool, patients can achieve a more pleasant experience for handling tooth decay. The idea of cavity removal that didn’t involve drills or anesthesia is appealing to the majority of dental patients.

Using a special hand piece, air abrasion works by blowing tiny abrasive particles and clean air onto the tooth’s surface to gently remove decay. Once the cavity is gone, your dentist can apply restorative materials to the tooth. Air abrasion works best for smaller cavities. The precision and accuracy of the air abrasion tool enables your dentist to treat decay at an early stage, which allows for more conservative therapy.

Another benefit of air abrasion is patient comfort. Many people dislike the traditional sounds and smells associated with dental treatment. Cavity repair with air abrasion reduces heat and vibration, making the process less unpleasant for those in the dental chair.

Dentists often recommend air abrasion for:

  • Cavities that are just beginning
  • Removal of spots or stains
  • Teeth being prepared for veneers, inlays, or onlays
  • Young children

To begin, your dentist will probably provide protective glasses and then isolate the tooth that needs the repair. During the procedure, you may experience gritty-tasting particles in your mouth from the air abrasion tool. This residue is harmless and your dentist will thoroughly rinse the area before completing the restoration.

Family Dentist Sarasota FL