A great smile used to just be wishful thinking for people with discolored, chipped, crooked, or otherwise damaged teeth. Cosmetic dentistry offers a way to make that wish come true with dental veneers. With thin porcelain shells permanently bonded to the fronts of your teeth, it is possible to change how your teeth look forever. What are some reasons to choose veneers?

  • Painless – the non-invasive procedure for applying veneers does not involve any pain or stress.
  • Resistant – porcelain veneers do not change color or become stained over time.
  • Durable – porcelain that has been bonded to your teeth is durable and resists fractures.
  • Simple – the procedure of getting veneers involves bonding the customized shells to your teeth with little preparation work and no anesthesia required.
  • Fast – once your veneers are created, the results are instant as soon as they are attached to your teeth.
  • Natural – veneers look very natural and even reflect light in a realistic way.
  • Smooth – veneers are smooth and comfortable in your mouth.
  • Substitute – you can avoid traditional braces or other orthodontic treatment by hiding crowded or crooked teeth with veneers.
    Confidence – increase your self-esteem by obtaining a beautiful smile, giving you a whole new level of confidence in yourself.

If you are unhappy with your smile, visit your dentist in Sarasota to ask about veneers. They provide a great way to transform your appearance in a simple, painless way that will last forever.