Hiding all sorts of dental flaws, veneers provide a great way to renew your smile. These thin porcelain shells bond directly to the fronts of your teeth and are colored to make your smile look natural and appealing. They are stain resistant and do not cause gum irritation or slippage. Known as a durable solution, veneers can last up to ten years with good care.

Here are some suggestions for maintaining your veneers.

Caring for your dental veneers is actually simple. If you are experienced in performing oral hygiene on your natural teeth, then you are ready to care for your veneers. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, preferably after each meal, using a soft toothbrush and gentle circular motions. Use a non-abrasive fluoride toothpaste to avoid wearing down your veneers. Floss your teeth at least once a day to remove food particles and plaque. That’s all it takes to keep your veneers clean and shiny!

Avoid chomping on extremely hard foods like jaw breakers or ice. You should achieve the maximum life span of your veneers if you are selective about what you eat and avoid especially hard foods that can crack or chip your veneers. Using common sense when it comes to your diet will help your veneers last longer.

Another key element to get the most out of your veneers is having regular dental checkups. You should return to your dentist for a follow-up visit one week after getting veneers to make sure everything fits properly and that your mouth is adjusting well. Then schedule checkups every six months, just as you should have been doing with your natural teeth, for examinations and cleanings. Your dentist will look for any damage to make sure your veneers are lasting as they should, and may occasionally polish your veneers to keep them looking great.

Family Dentist Sarasota FL